Fucking Machine Parts in Europe & elsewhere?

I few potential builders have asked me about obtaining parts to build a fucking machine in Europe. My parts lists show sources in the US. There are certainly all of the parts needed for any of the various designs, available in Europe and elsewhere. Unfortunately the Gecko controllers might not be easy to get at good prices. 

If anyone has found sources for their fucking machine parts in Europe and places other than the US, please let us know by commenting to this post.

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1 Response to Fucking Machine Parts in Europe & elsewhere?

  1. Ken says:

    I have sourced almost all my parts now.

    All parts from Digikey is also available in Europe (they have local websites, but the goods are shipped from the US), and if you order for more than $50 or so (I’m not sure about the exact amount), the delivery is free, and all taxes were included in the price on the website. My order arrived in 2 days 🙂

    Stepper and power supply can be ordered from Germany or UK, using omc-stepperonline.com

    The Geckodrive stepper I ordered from charter-controls.com, but it is even more expensive in Europe!

    Teensy related items I purchased at hobbytronics.co.uk

    Belt and pulley I got from beltingonline.com

    C-beam, carriage and related items from ooznest.co.uk

    The base and ram I haven’t made yet, but I’ll source those parts locally.

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